So, I thought it was time to learn how to use a palette knife, and with the assistance of friend Em, was able to manipulate the knife enough to have a go at some flowers. So here is the inevitable flowers in a vase. I don't think the camera has actually done justice to the colours unfortunately. This is a mixed media painting, with collage.
For Prue
Then I decided I needed to do a pastel version also in mixed media, so here it is. This one is titled "For Prue" as it includes as collage a small exerpt from a newspaper article written by my friend Prue about gardening. Prue is the local "Gardening Guru" so I thought it was appropriate to include her article in my painting. I have included the detail as a small inset photo below.
Inset Detail
wonderful! well done :) I just cant get over how great you are with colours. Em